
My name is Alex and I’m photographer originally from Tasmania, a beautiful and diverse island off mainland Australia.  When I’m not working my regular day job, I’m out exploring locations around my new home, Melbourne, Australia a stunning city that is home to some equally stunning landscape and seascape locations.  This blog provides a log of my trips around Victoria (and occasionally returning home to Tasmania) and photography tutorials when I can. alex-wise

I’d love to give you a cheesy story about how I picked up a camera as a kid and was instantly hooked but in reality, photography came to me by luck in 2005 when I needed a film camera for school. It wasn’t until 2006 when I purchased a Canon 350D that I became hooked thanks to the instant gratification of digital photography. My photography is self-taught and is constantly inspired by amazing photographers such as Peter Dombrovskis, Galen Rowell, Kah Kit Yoong, Thomas Leong, Denis Olivier and many more.






If you’re a photographer travelling to Tasmania and wondering where to shoot, I’ve compiled a list of Tasmanian photography locations.

I’ve also put together a small guide on what equipment I use to shoot daytime and sunset/sunrise long exposures. You can view this long exposure guide here. Or you might even be interested in a guide I’ve written on waterfall photography. This guide explains and compares shutter speed, discusses the necessary equipment and the most ideal weather for waterfall photography.

My portfolio of images can be viewed at http://www.alexwisephotography.net/blog/gallery/

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